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This site provides you with an even greater ability to network with chapter members, upload photos, share documents, participate in chapter discussions and learn about chapter events.


Chapter News

  • NEW Soul Study

    The NEW Soul study at the University of South Carolina is seeking African-American Participants for a free plant-based soul food research study. 

  • Region 7 Virtual Town Hall - October 14th

    Register for the Region 7 Town Hall on October 14th! Currently, Alpha Xi has the most members registered!!! 

  • Alpha Xi members at the USC CEB Ribbon-cutting

  • Alpha Xi Co-Sponsored Blood Drive

    As we prepare for our 2nd American Red Cross Blood Drive in 2024, please to help us spread the word to recruit donors and volunteers.  Please ask your AX peers, nursing students, family, and friends.  

    All donors are encouraged to register (walk-ins welcomed as well) and will receive a $20 Amazon e-gift card and exclusive Red Cross Sickle Cell t-shirt!  In addition, we will also have drawings for prizes for donors and volunteers. 

    National Blood Shortage

    How Blood Donations Help

    A Family's Journey

  • Sigma Survey

    Please participate in the upcoming Sigma survey. A personalized survey invitation will come from myork@us.confirmit.com. This survey is sent out every three years to Sigma members to identify opportunities and inform plans for future programs, products, services and activities. 

    Please know that all feedback you share in this survey will remain anonymous, and findings from the survey will only be reported in aggregate. As an example, the findings may show what percentage of respondents indicated they had used a Sigma resource. 

    Your survey responses will help shape the future of Sigma. Thank you in advance for your time and willingness to complete the survey.

    Please check your spam/junk folders. Answers are completely confidential. 

  • Happy Nurses Week

    Wishing you all a Happy Nurses Week! Our leadership, compassion, collaboration and the high quality care we provide to our patients, community, students, and to each other is not unnoticed. #AlphaX
  • Alpha Xi Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers

    Please join us on May 14, 2024 for the Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers. Dr. Lori Vick will also be presenting "A Motivational Approach to Medication Adherence: Conversations with Persons with Sickle Cell."

  • Healthy Vital SIgns Clinic

    During Volunteer Week, Alpha Xi students made an impact in our community through a Healthy Vital SIgns Clinic at AHEPA Senior Apartments.

  • Wisdom Council Lunch

    Alpha Xi Retired Nurse Luncheon at the McCutcheon House (also known as the Wisdom Council)

    The following retired nurses attended: Joan Creed. Mary Boykin, Sue Haddock, Billie Thompson, Nydia Harter . Also in attendance were Lan Nguyen-President Elect and Karen Worthy-President.

  • USC CON Research & Scholarship Day

    Check out our social media pages for additional photos.
  • CON Annual Leadership Summit March 22, 2024

  • Upcoming Symposium and Webinar

    Please take a look at an Educational Symposium offered on April 13, 2024 and a FREE webinar on April 16, 2024

  • March 25th Spring 2024 Announcements

    Good afternoon Alpha Xi Members,

    We have a few announcements for you as we begin our season of Spring weather and fun!

    There was a glitch in the registration link for the Gamma Omicron at Large Chapter’s- Life on Purpose webinar.  Alpha Xi members, please use the following link:  https://redcap.link/kioc5k3l

    As posted on Sigma Daily Digest, March 20, 2024

    Dear Region 7 chapter leaders,

    Reluctantly, but understandably, we accepted the resignation of Katrina Embrey as Region 7 RC. Katrina served admirably in her position as RC for the 2021-2023 biennium and, as a result of her great work, was re-elected to her second term last November. Along with all members in your region, Sigma extends our best wishes to Katrina.

    I am delighted to announce that our Sigma Board of Directors approved the appointment of Dr. Viji George as your new Region 7 Coordinator! Viji is a member of the Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter at the University of St. Augustine and serves as the president. She has experience at both her chapter and the international levels in leadership positions, as she previously served on Sigma's Leadership Succession Committee. She is currently the Clinical Excellence Program Manager and the Magnet Program Director for the Texas Health System.

    Viji will be orienting to the role over the next few weeks and is truly looking forward to working with chapter leaders in your region. 
    Jennifer Graber Ed.D, APRN, PMHCNS-BC
    University of Delaware
    Associate Professor & Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Practice Initiatives
    Regional Chapters Coordinating Committee Chair
    Landenberg PA
    United States

    Thank you Dr. Graber for this announcement. I thank Sigma leaders and my mentors for trusting me with this responsibility.

    Thank you Katrina for your years of service. I am glad we got to connect.  Best wishes!

    Dear Region 7 - I will be orienting and learning more about this role in the coming days. Looking forward to connecting and collaborating. I will need everyone's support and help for all of us to fulfill our duties and goals for this biennium. There is power in teamwork. We are in this journey together.

    Go team! 
    Viji George DNP, MA, RN, RNC-NIC
    Clinical Excellence Program Manager, Magnet Program Director
    Lewisville TX
    United States

    On behalf of Alpha Xi,
    We extend our gratitude to Dr. Katrina Embrey for her years of service to our region.  We wish her well in her future endeavors. We look forward to working with Dr. George and Region 7 as we continue our journey towards nursing excellence. 

    Stronger together,
    Karen Worthy
    Alpha Xi Chapter President

  • Life on Purpose: The Gift of a Resilient Mindset

    Please see the attached flyer for a FREE virtual webinar on April 3, 2024. Register by March 28, 2024 if interested.


    P&N Committee

  • SCNA/SCNF 5K Run/Walk

    Come help us celebrate Nurse's Month on May 18, 2024 with a 5K Run/Walk. 50% of the proceeds go to the SC Nurses Foundation, which raises funds to award nursing scholarships). See flyer for more details.

  • Nursing Research: Adding a Piece to the Delirium Puzzle

    Join Dr. Malissa Mulkey at a seminar where she will be presenting on "Nursing Research: Adding a Piece to the Delirium Puzzle." It will be at the University School of Medicine, February 15th from 12:00pm-1:00pm in Classroom M1. Lunch will be provided, bring your own drink.

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